Swap Cards were a passion (more like an obsession) I had as a child. There was only one problem, I never wanted to part with my cards. I remember swapping a couple of times & then going home in tears because I wanted my old cards back! I obviously wasn’t a born swapper.
We took them to school in great big bundles with rubber bands round them or some of us (like me) had them in posh swap card albums to keep them in pristine condition! There were kittens, puppies, horses, flowers, patterns, holly hobby, Snoopys, Butterflies & lots more. They even had a distinctive smell!
I found these images on the internet, I had all of these cards (below). Do you remember yours?
Ah yes. Swap cards. My mates and I would chat to the guy who worked up at the Golden Fleece service station. He’d give us the odd card and it would take ages choosing one. They were mainly photographs of Australian landmarks, flora and fauna and my favourite was the flowering gum tree. The colours they were edged in related to different themes for memory.
I loved my swap cards and had the kittens ion your picture. Lots and lots of horses and famous paintings too!
I still have all of these somewhere. Being a horse crazy kid I have a number of Australian race horse cards as well.
I still have all mine in albums I also have my Mum’s too!
You were way up in the importance scale if you had blue boy and pink girl lol
The old sway cards, the were so great in the day still love and looking to get into them. There are so many l remember and would love to have.
ive been collecting swappies now for the last 7 years i still adore them as i did when i was a kid
How much did we love our swappies? My girlfriend still has hers and every time I visit I ask her to get them out & I go through them… LOL! There are quite a few for sale on ebay. I remember some girls had soooooo many they couldn’t go through them in just one hand! I loved the kitten set (I’m sure I had the whole set, even the purple one). Wonder what ever happened to mine?
I still have all of these except the black flower girl!!! Everytime I look at them I have this deep deep nostalgia. They were our life!
Yes i agree, very nostalgic. Takes me right back to childhood!