Remember Scratch n Sniff T-Shirts?

Strawberry Scratch n Sniff
They came in all sorts of flavours like Chocolate, Cheese,Strawberry, Bugglegum & lots more. Back in the 70’s these were extremely popular for a short while & on every kid’s xmas list, including mine. You scratched the picture and a smell emerged completely made of chemicals, but cleverly designed.
I was lucky enough to receive one from my Aunt and even after several washes it still had a faint odour of pepperoni pizza! I loved this t-shirt & wore it till it completely faded, picture & all. She had originally bought me a “Strawberry” shirt, but it was too big and the only one in my size was Pizza. I think I’d have preferred the strawberry!
I had a banana one in the mid 70s, worked for quite a while, loved it.
I had the banana too, there was a monkey holding the banana 😁 it was my favourite T and I seem to remember the smell lasted for ages
How can I ever forget those t-shirts!