This was an Aussie treat, perfect for cooling you down on hot summer days. A pyramid shaped flavored frozen ice treat! Sunny Boy was orange flavoured, Razz was raspberry & Glugg (my favourite) was sort of Cola flavoured.
One side of the ice block was solid as a rock, the other was so easy to eat and was concentrated with syrup, you would want to buy another to make up for the other side!
I believe the Sunny Boy is still in Milkbars, but I doubt whether you still get a free one if you see the words “SunnyBoy” on the inside anymore!
I loved the softer side, I would suck it dry, and hold on to the other part for a while. The remainding liquid at the end, was really sweet & very concentrated, if you were luck enough to have any left.
There was a pineapple flavoured edition called “Hassle”. It was promoted on Cartoon Corner by Ozzie Ostrich.
I haven’t seen them since the 1970s.
The answer that so many want to know is;
Sunny Boys, Glug, Pow and Razz were manfuctured in Melbourne in the southern suburbs.
They were first sold in Victoria, then other states.
What about strawberry and chocolates snips?
there was a banana flavoured one as well called Hassle, and an orange one called treet, red rock strawberry was my favourite along with the lime zap, does anybody remember if the zap had a yellow lightning bolt on a green packet? seems to ring a bell but not sure
i recall foozles and vibes as limited additions. Foozles were watermelon and vibes were lime i think. They werent around long but it would have been mid 70’s
Sorry Malcolm and Stephen, but I was a student in the 60s and we put packet chips or twisties in a roll back then so it was not invented by Karingal High school students.
As to sunny boys, glues, razzes etc, they originally had the collective name of “jublies” before they had their individual names, so you would ask for a cola, raspberry, pineapple, lime etc “jubly “ (not sure of spelling because I was in lower level primary school at the time, then they got their respective names.
TetraPaks in the 70s were part of 2 things I remember: the Glug/Razz etc. iceblocks (the interesting kind).
But the other TetraPak: who else also remembers school milk that got delivered each day? No-one loved the milk, and I remember one day we received the class’s milk (in the old milk plastic crates that are now very Fitzroy-style (Melbourne) seating). Anyway, the milk was sour (off) and the teacher made us drink it, despite us 7 year olds complaining (Mrs. Mathis was a nasty woman).
Either through mass-hysteria (more likely) or sour milk EVERY person in the class vomited. My mum sent me back to school the next day, and there were only aboout 5 of us there (in a class of35 I reckon).
It turned out every kid who rolled up that day’s mum was an RN nurse, and they knew a quickly-vomited dose of sour milk was nothing to worry about, or recur. No class-actions or legal threats in those days!
My other abiding memory was when one day we snuck into the tuckshop and found a whole pile of the ‘frees’ (or’luckies’ as we called them). We were the happiest, most-sucked-up-kids at our primary school for a few days!
That sort of yellow print inside the TetraPak wrapper was sheer ecstacy for a kid in those days.
To summarise people’s comments (please correct me if I’m wrong)
1. Razz – raspberry
2. Glug – ‘cola’
3. Sunnyboys – ‘orange’
4. Pow – ‘pineapple’
5. Zap – ‘lime’
6. Big Daddy – ‘Pine/passionfruit’
7. Roller – ‘Green’
Hi, I remember in the 1970s we use to buy a box of 50 for $2.50 and they were the big ones.
Suunyboy Orange
Glug Cola
Razz Rasberry
Sammycool Lime
Big Daddy Pineapple.
You could win FREE Ones and also prizes. The add was on Tv you could win a Radio Basketball and others. The Free One had Yellow writing on the silver lining. One day my brother and I went to grab one out of freezer, there was two Sunnyboys left, I grabbed one and said bags it but my younger brother got real upset and said I wanted that one. We had a bit of a squabble and being the bigger brother, i let him have it, even though they were both still sealed ect. I opened mine and got no free one or prize. He opened his and WON a Portable Transistor Radio. It was written in Red writing on the silver lining. He still rubs it into me 40 years later. He was and still is a Smart A. Cheers
Great memory Matt!! Thanks for sharing.
Sorry but the Lime ones were called Zap and the pineapple ones Pow
Hi Matt. Why are we the only people in the world that remembers the Sammy Cool. When I talk to friends, they just stare at me and say ” Never heard of it”. My sister and I are very happy that someone else knows about them.
Yes I remember it as Sammy Cool as well 😎
Does anyone remember Hokum and Rollers?
My father in law brought Sunnyboys to Nsw in about 1964. They were introduced by Treet Packers somewhat related to Cotters the packaging was owned by a company called TetraPac from Sweden I think. We used to work at the Easter Show in Sydney from 1970 the Sunnyboy bag sold about 100,000 I think
Easily the biggest seller
I loved Sunnyboy, Razz & Glug. I reckon I must have been the luckiest kid in Melbourne as I remember getting at least 8 frees in a row. All of my mates would ask me to pick one for them in the false hope of getting a freebie. In the end – the local shopkeeper refused to acknowledge them. I guess he thought that I found a way of forging them. Great days, sadly, never to be experienced again. I suppose that my kids will grow up with great memories of their own, but theirs won’t be as good as my own.
I used to love Sunny Boys but I don’t recall seeing any other flavours. The only other one that you used to get in a triangle shape was a chocolate milk one but I can’t remember the name of them – ah, yes I do, it was called a Snip! Just yummy!
I went to Altona Primary School in late 60s and we had a shop next to school with a freezer full of Sunnyboys – Razzes and Glugs .
My mate and I worked out how to tell the difference of the Frees to those not free – we had so many that I kept quite a few tucked away in a drawer and still have them.
The Secret was Bolder Text – wasnt that hard for addicted sunnyboy eaters – we ate so many so fast 🙂
Yes the writing was yellow on silver and if you didnt look closely you could throw it away – but we didnt.
Still like the original Tetrahedron Shape.
Wow… I can recall; 1)Sunny Boy (orange) 2)Razz (Raspberry) The Rocket or Joker variety (THE JOKER’S WERE ALL FREE’s – every single one of them, I’m pretty sure… I’ve still got a FREE in my roof somewhwere… 3) Pow (lemon) then 4) Glug (cola) 5)Zap (lime) with a donut type space station on the cover… Then by Grade 6 (AT SPRINGVIEW PRIMARY SKOOL) JUNCTION Rd Nunawading (Frozen were 5c, non-frozen 4c at the Maddox Milk Bar.. THEN 6) Poncho………. (pink – probably tooty-fruity flavour) but smaller than the others… 7) BIG DADDY (pine/passionfruit) flavour, i think… I CAN’T REMEMBER THE SNIP OR RED ROCK OR VIBES, ETC… thanks ALL for sharing your memories… GOOD OLD DAYS… 10c mixed lollies, Scanlon footy cards with gum, choo-choo bars, etc… cheers
Big Daddy, they were pineapple, reckon they were phased out in about 1975
I’d forgotten about Big Daddy till now Anthony! They were delicious!! Thanks for the memory jog!
The pineapple ones were called Pow. There was a hawaiian one that might have been called Big daddy but that was in the 90’s
YES, Big Dady, i just found it on Wikki and Wikki says POW was Pineapple too, but i thought it was Lemon!?
Who manufactured them ? I would love some now in the perth heat wave , gayle safety bay WA
I remember a Snip, it was blackcurrent in flavour(triangle) delicious!
I remember Snips, they were great! Didn’t they come in different flavours too? Someone else says they were frozen flavoured milk. I think she might be right.
Some good memories from this site even though I lived in Adelaide back then.
Thanks everyone.
Aha! According to wikipedia the blackcurrant flavoured Sunnyboy was called a “Buzz”.
I grew up on sunny boys , glugs , razzes ,and pows .. I got 30 cents a day for my school lunch and would get a different one everyday with a sausage roll and sauce … I went to templestiwe primary school then to templestowe tech from 1966 .. I give credit for my good health to that diet .. Hehe
yeah great the sunny boys and i did get a free one once or twice,
chip buttie with potatoe chips yum…yes karingal high 1970-1973 for me
Was there a green Sunnyboy variety called “Roller” ?
I remember it but nobody believes me! haha
Anthony I know you made this comment in May, 2014 but YES, I remember Green ones being called Roller…..I was living in Victoria at the time maybe other states had different names.
Yes, I saw Sunnyboy Lemonade on sale at Coles last week. They are now called Sunnyboy Orange, Sunnyboy Glug, and Sunnyboy Razz. I do not approve of this; a Sunnyboy is orange, and that is that.
I bought a box of Glugs and it was with great anticipation that I waited for them to freeze. Finally, the next day, I got one out. They are not the same shape anymore, longer rather than square. I sliced off an edge and, with my eyes shut, smelt the wonderfully familiar aroma of Glug. I popped it out and slowly started off on a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Sometimes visiting childhood favourites can be a great disappointment. But not this time; I loved it to the very last slurp and crunch. There were the same difficult decisions to make; do you suck out all the flavour only to finish off with a pale tasteless ice-block? Or do you just start at the top and work your way down, crunching without sucking too much? Then what about the juicy part; you know the bit, where the cordial has settled on one side and the flavour is intense? Do you take the block out and go straight for it, or do you break your teeth on the solid frozen part first? Finally, do you wait until you’re finished to drink the liquid gold left behind, or do you sip it along the way? So many decisions.
When I finished I looked hopefully for a Lucky, but, no; some things have been left in the past. But I was pleased to see that my lips had bled a little bit. It may have been 30 years between Glugs, but it was worth the wait. Next time I will try a Razz; I will soften it up by bashing it on a brick wall, and when I am finished I will look like I am wearing lipstick!
I’m pretty sure there was a lemonade flavoured one too. It had name too. I actually think I saw it recently in amoungst the usuall glugs and sunnyboys in the shops. Can anyone else verify this?
The flavours I can remember are, apart from Sunnyboy, Glug and Razz:
Sammy Cool – Lime
Foozle – Watermelon
Vibes – Pine Lime
Red Rock – Strawberry
Big Daddy – Pineapple (not too certain about this one)
I may be completely wrong, but these are what popped into my mind when I thought of crunching into a Sunnyboy. At my school we had “Luckys”, but at a nearby school they were called “Frees”.
What about the green (lime) flavoured Zap, and the yellow (pineapple flavoured) Pow?
You can still buy Glugs, razzes and Sunnyboys. My daughter discovered them last year, 30 years since I had been enjoying them at school. I got three ‘free’s’ in a row once. They don’t seem to have free’s now though
I remember the free’s with the yellow writing inside on the silver foil. Also, the old sunny boys, glugs, razzes, and pows were a bigger, regular pyramid shape, the newer ones were more a flattened tubular shape. I remember the good ones were softer and more crumbly ice where the flavor was concentrated – sometimes you go the harder, less flavor concentrated ones. If you pushed hard on those old ones, you could open them without scissors. I remember buying them at Springview Primary in Junction Road, Nunawading, between 1969 & 1972, when we left to move to Blackburn South. At my new school – Mirrabooka, there was no canteen, so no more standing in the freezing cold in winter, sucking on glugs 🙁
We are reliving memories of growing up in Karingal at this facebook group, with lots of photos of Whistlestop, etc. Please come and join and share your memories or if you know anyone else that grew up in Karingal, please let them know.
Regards Susan
It was called a lucky! (when you got a free one) I tried writing on it with yellow texta but our canteen lady was too clever!
Yes. I seem to remember the writing was in yellow against the silver foil background, so if you didn’t look CAREFULLY, you could throw out a good one!
I think Karingal High invented the ‘chip bootie’, too, didn’t they?
(potato chips from a packet inside a bread roll)
Stephen, did you know the entire Karingal High site is now a retirement home? Best viewed using (Google maps is several years behind the game!).
If my memory serves me right didn’t we used have to look out for Sunny Boys with writing on the inside to claim a free one?
Stephen Ives
Ashton-under-Lyne, near Manchester, UK
ex Lewis Street & Gardenia Crescent, Frankston
Karingal High School Forms 2-4 (1970-1972)